Classic Predator

Classic Predator
Classic Predator

Tracker (flusher) Predator

Tracker (flusher) Predator
Tracker Predator

Falconer Predator

Falconer Predator
Falcomer Predator

Berserker Predator

Berserker Predator
Berserker Predator

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Im drawing wolf predator right and then my favorite ghost show comes on late at night then all the sudden I hear my name being called and then hears clicks and purrs along with growls I look around my peremiter for intruders then all the sudden I feel something strokeing my head and shoulders then hips, Thats when I freaked out and booked it downstairs where I got freaked out more by my predator statue. And everytime im near my predator statue I get this real strong energy from it and it would make my heart stop and I wold have to look at it and to stand still I dont know why I think thats what I get for being such a huge predator fan and freak! haha I LOVE IT!

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